
General Information

Young people may join Beavers when they are 6 years old and remain in the section until they are 8 years old and are easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts.

The Beaver motto is ‘Be prepared’ and they undertake a wide variety of activities including gaining badges. Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. We also organise Sleepovers. These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home. They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout centres such as Consall Scout Camp.

When and Where Do We Meet?

The 3rd Cheadle Beaver colony meet on Tuesday evening from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.


Each group of Beavers is called a ‘Colony’, taking its name from a group of these animals in the wild. Within the Colony, beavers are organised into sub-groups known as ‘Lodges’ which are named after trees. We have the following Lodges in our Beaver Colony.

  • Otters
  • Chipmunks
  • Badgers

Each Lodge is made up of around 6 beavers of a range of ages and new beavers usually join a Lodge in which they know at least one person.

Typical Beaver Night

We welcome parents and carers to come in anytime if they want to experience or know more.  If you have any questions regarding the nightly or term programme please do come in and speak the Beaver Leader(s) or use our contact form here.

Beaver Scout Leaders

Beaver Scout Leader

Andy Ellerton


If you have a young person who would like to join the Colony then click here to apply for a place, or if are interested in becoming an adult volunteer click here or fill out the form below.